Privacy Policy

Home Privacy Policy


Any information supplied by Customer upon opting for the Service and any other information

The Customer agrees to provide true, accurate and complete information and to refrain from impersonating or falsely representing Customer’s affiliation with any person or entity. Customer shall maintain a valid email address at all times. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Customer’s Account and password and shall be responsible for any and all transactions by users given access to such account or password and any and all consequences of use or misuse of such account and password.

Customer shall be responsible for all actions by such users, including without limitation former employees and former partners, and shall indemnify Cloud Software Solution for such actions. Any information supplied by Customer upon opting for the Service and any other information about Customer and/or Customer’s business (collectively, “Customer Data”) is subject to Cloud Software Solution’s Privacy Policy. Cloud Software Solution will send Customer newsletters and email messages to inform Customer of new products, promotions, features and helpful tips for Cloud Software Solution services. Cloud Software Solution will also use email to inform Customer of important policy changes or subscription renewal notices.


You may be asked to provide your name, e-mail address, phone number, and information regarding your project if you are requesting a quote or more information about our services. We also collect information regarding your history of visits to our site. However, our site can be visited anonymously.


If you submit a request for a quote or additional information about a project via our site, we’ll give you the option when we first contact you to sign our mutual non-disclosure agreement or submit your own NDA for our review and execution. We don’t require an NDA before we’ll discuss your project, but many clients prefer to have the agreement in place before discussing their projects in detail.